Monday 6 October 2008

Elixier of life :

I started drinking a shot of cyder vinegar on saturday and i have felt amazing ever since.I was recommended it by a friend and couldnt wait to try it myself.I was at the health club on saturday afternoon when i tried it first and no word of a lie i felt better immediately and yes its psychological and yes it could be a placebo and yes to everything else i have already taken into consideration but i still feel amazing tonight even after working and its midnight and i dont even feel tired.

Before trying it i had this kind of nagging tiredness or feeling washed out which was becoming a drag and even when i was in the gymn i didnt really want to be there and when i was at home the tiredness was getting in the way and stopping my artwork etc.

So all i can say is try it yourself .Drink a little bit twice a day.I like it as i drink vinegar sometimes but never tried Cyder vinegar before but buy the same make [aspalls] as in the picture and make sure its organic and its only 1.40 a bottle.

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