Sunday 18 January 2009


Free "Tall -[small]" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up for Obamas volunteer/national service corps from Wednesday through to Sunday for those who sign up in store beginning 20 jan.

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up instore to campaign and write to Obama demanding an end to corporate bailouts of fraudulent financial institutions and criminal Banksters.

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up instore to campaign for freedom and the preservation of the US constitution in its entirety.

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up instore to campaign for the right to bear arms and the preservation of the second amandment.

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up instore to campaign for the resignation , arrest and criminal investigation of the board of governors of the Federal reserve.

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee to anyone who signs up instore to campaign for the total cleanup of Govt.[Starbucks should expect a low turnout for this campaign because the majority of people prefer it the way it is and are stupid.]

Free "Tall" Starbucks coffee for anyone who signs up instore to keep their mouths shut and "Unite" and actively participate in the wholesale destruction of the United States as we know it to be for a time of not less than 4 years.

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